
Showing 11-15 of 95 items.

Notice of Date Change for CPMWC Monthly Meetings

Notice of Date Change for CPMWC Monthly Meetings

The scheduling of the CPMWC Board of Directors Meeting has been changed from the second Thursday of the month to the third Wednesday, from now on.

The meeting time of 7PM has not changed.

This month's meeting wil be held at 7PM on August 21, 2024. The new meeting schedule appears on the Events calendar on our community website:

CPMWC Events Calendar 

Please join us!



Yesterday was a rough day, but team Firewise is thankful and proud of how well our community worked together. WE did an excellent job of checking in on neighbors, keeping roads clear, and getting out early. Everybody worked together!

After Saturday’s evacuation, Chemeketa Firewise would like you to focus on 3 things.

  1. Evaluate your evacuation, what went well? Where do you need to improve? What did you forget? Make a list of essentials that you need to bring for an evacuation. If you have an off-mountain place to store important items, utilize that.

  1. Focus on the first 5-10 feet surrounding your house. Make sure there is nothing flammable within 5 feet of your foundation. No plants, cushions, garbage cans, branches, brush. Trim brush and clean leaves around your house, off of your roof, and under the deck. Keep the first 5 feet around your home ignition free. Once the first 5 feet are cleared, move on to 10 feet surrounding your home.

  1. Clear brush and weeds Look at streets surrounding your property, ask yourself, are they safe? Many of us had to evacuate through high brush and weeds. Some of our more narrow roads could be pinched off due to burning brush on both sides. Trim brush and lower branches, shorter fuels create shorter flames.

We understand that everyone is exhausted and demoralized because of recent fires. But yesterday showed how amazing our community is, and how lucky we are to live here. It was absolute teamwork. So today is the day we rise up and do what needs to be done to protect our community.

With Pride,

Your Chemeketa Firewise Team

Additional resources and information can be found here:

First 5 feet flier

Chemeketa Park Evacuation plans

Video’s and tutorials for hardening your home:

Capital Improvement Planning Meeting - July 25th

Hi all,

We're excited to invite you to the CPMWC Capital Improvement Planning meeting on July 25th, 7 pm, at the clubhouse. This meeting is a key opportunity for us to work together and make important decisions about the future of our community.

All community members are welcome to attend and participate. This is an out-of-chair, live, and in-person activity. There will not be a virtual option for this meeting.

The objective is to finalize the capital improvement plan and agree on the project priorities for this year, plus the tentative plan for projects over the next five years. This will allow us to be better prepared financially to address the community’s growing needs.

Our decisions will shape the future of our community. We are deciding on how to spend or save the available money for projects that will maintain or improve the Chemeketa Park’s infrastructure assets and systems.

The process is simple:

1. Brainstorm and document potential projects for the water system, roads, and community areas. Please bring your ideas or suggestions to the meeting. This will help us get started quickly and prevent us from missing anything important.

2. List each project and rough estimate of cost on individual 3x5 cards. I will bring the blank cards and Sharpies to the meeting.

3. As a group, silently - without talking will be most difficult yet essential - organize the cards/projects in time order. The idea is to build a consensus on when to address each project from this year to the future - essentially in order of doable and importance.

4. Discuss and list current projects that are in the works and their expected costs, such as the clubhouse siding project or the Los Gatos Creek water system equipment removal. Starting with the current available funds for CIP projects, subtract the currently active projects' expected costs to determine the remaining available funds.

4. The second most challenging part is discussing and adjusting the project order, considering the funds available and noting which ones we need to start setting aside funds and the tentative year when to do the project. For example, for the water meter project, we know we need roughly $120k by 2030, so setting aside $20k per year will allow us to meet the funding necessary to have all the meters installed by the deadline imposed by the state.

5. Agree on the plan, document the plan, and share it with the community.

6. At the next monthly board meeting, we need to initiate the projects planned for this fiscal year.

Any questions, let me know.



Proposed July 11th, 2024 Agenda (Draft)

Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, July 11, 2024
7 p.m. at the Clubhouse

To join the video meeting, click the Google Meet URL:
To join the meeting by phone, dial (US) +1 513-713-1456 PIN: 165 361 240# --------

If you have any comments or questions, please contact the Board of Directors by email.

In preparation for the meeting, the following information has been provided to the board of directors and available for the community members: July 2024 Agenda Prep and Background.

Click the link to view the Agenda. I. Call to Order Erik 7:00 p.m.

II. Review and Adopt June 2 (Annual Meeting) & June 13 Minutes Board 7:10 p.m.

III. Public Comment 7:15 p.m.

IV. Proposal to move the monthly meetings to 3rd Thursdays Board 7:25 p.m.

Proposal to consider purchasing two vacant parcels near 17550 Comanche Trl Board 7:30 p.m.

V. Water Report
a. Reports & Updates on waterboy repair and suspected leak Miles 7:35 p.m.

b. Updates: CP Water Storage and Drought Relief Project Status i. Main Jody 7:45 p.m.
ii. Financial George 7:55 p.m.

c. Update: Meters Jody 8:05 p.m.

d. Assessments, Fees and Schedules Board 8:10 p.m. VI. Financial Report

  1. Propose to Approve Annual budget (high priority) Geri 8:15 p.m.
  2. Status of Financials & Billing Kirk 8:25 p.m.

    Determine how and who will communicate with community about new

billing options Kirk 8:35 p.m.

c. Capital Improvement Plan for 2024/25
Set plan for a special meeting to focus on CIP priorities Board 8:45 p.m.

  1. Insurance Renewal - Propose Additional Coverage Geri 8:50 p.m.
  2. Selection of CPA for Tax Returns & Financial Audit/Review Board 8:55


f. Update: Clubhouse Trash Pick up Geri & Dave S. 9 p.m. VII. Fire Safety

a. Update: Firewise program Jody 9:05 p.m. VIII. Roads

a. Apache bridge closure Teus 9:10 p.m. IX. Playground / Clubhouse / Community

a. Update: Clubhouse projects: Siding Teus 9:15 p.m.

b. Clubhouse rental process
Review and approve the draft rental processspecifically deposit handling

David S. 9:20 p.m.

c. Website access and updating 9:25 p.m.

Access/Editing update and decision on who should be the primary/secondary contacts for updates/changes. David S. 9:30 p.m.

d. Dumpster Weekend date selection and process

Decide if and is so when to conduct this event, plus who is point of contact and not to exceed (NTE) funding. David S. 9:35 p.m.

X. Adjourn Board 9:40 p.m.