
Showing 31-35 of 102 items.

Board of Directors Monthly Meeting this Thursday, April 4th

Chemeketa Park Mutual Water Company

Please Join In for the Board of Directors Monthly Board Meeting this Thursday, April 4th at 7:00 p.m.

Be involved in making your community successful!


Chemeketa Park Mutual Water Company

Board of Directors Meeting

April 4, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

6:00 p.m. Closed session – Legal Matters 

Chemeketa Park Mutual Water Company
Board of Directors Meeting
April 4, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

  1. Call to Order
  2. Review and Adopt Minutes
  3. Public Comment 
  4. Financial Report
    1. Expenditures, budget, past due accounts
    2. Insurance, expense reimbursement, invoices/payments, contracts/fee changes
    3. Capital Improvement Planning review for 2024/25
    4. Budget planning review for 2024/25
    5. Operations Manager update
  5. Water Report
    1. Water operations report
    2. Los Gatos Creek infrastructure removal status
    3. CP Water Storage and Drought Relief Project status
    4. Meters – begin the discussion
    5. Distribution system status and updates
  6. Fire Safety
    1. Firewise program update
  7. Roads
    1. Roads project update
  8. Playground / Clubhouse / Community
    1. Clubhouse projects update
  9. Adjourn

Dana Hartzell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 4428 4097

Passcode: 414655

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,83344284097#,,,,*414655# US (San Jose)

CPMWC Board Meeting Minutes are available for review

The minutes from the Board of Director's meeting held March 14, 2024, are available to review.  You can view here or click on "Meeting Minutes" under the Water Company heading above. 

Please Conserve Water from Friday, March 29th through Wednesday, April 3rd

Chemeketa Park Residents

PLEASE CONSERVE WATER FOR THE NEXT 4-5 DAYS due to major weather event beginning today, Friday, March 29th. The rain is forecast to be heaviest today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday). But then it will take a few days to get caught up on water storage.

Again, it sounds counter-intuitive when there is so much rain, but Chemeketa Park Mutual Water Company cannot pump water from our source during rain events. The water has too much “turbidity”. It’s brown and dirty. So, we have to purchase water from San Jose Water Company.

The issue is….we cannot pump as much water when we are on the Montevina Pipeline (San Jose Water) so our supply is more limited. Our water storage cannot keep up unless we CONSERVEThe good news is: no laundry till next week. ;)

Thank you for understanding. Be prepared and stay safe.

Thank you.

April Board of Directors Meeting Rescheduled to April 4, 2024

Notice to Chemeketa Park Community:

In the last board meeting held on March 14th, 2024, the Board of Directors voted to reschedule the upcoming board meeting originally planned for Thursday, April 11, 2024, due to Board Members’ schedule conflicts. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Proposed New Date and Time:

Thursday, April 4th at 7 p.m.

Your flexibility in accommodating this change is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding,

Chemeketa Park Mutual Water Company

Board of Directors Monthly Meeting this Thursday, March 14th

Chemeketa Park Mutual Water Company

Please Join In for the Board of Directors Monthly Board Meeting this Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 p.m.

Be involved in making your community successful!

Chemeketa Park Mutual Water Company
Board of Directors Meeting
March 14, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

  1. Call to Order
  2. Review and Adopt Minutes
  3. Public Comment and Discussion
  4. Financial Report
    1. Expenditures, budget, past due accounts
    2. Capital Improvement Plan review for 2024/25
    3. Budget planning review for 2024/25
    4. Operations Manager update
  5. Water Report
    1. Water operations report, final contract
    2. Los Gatos Creek system status
    3. CP Water Storage and Drought Relief Project status
    4. Meters – set a preliminary budget and timeline
    5. Distribution System
  6. Fire Safety
    1. Firewise program update – Frontline Wildfire Defense
  7. Roads
    1. Roads project update
  8. Playground / Clubhouse / Community
    1. Clubhouse projects update
    2. Protocol for new locks on Clubhouse doors
  9. Adjourn

    Dana Hartzell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 892 3468 9531

    Passcode: 323096