
Showing 61-65 of 82 items.

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes from November 10, 2022

Please click on the link below to take you to the Monthly Board Meeting Minutes.  We post the minutes so that each of us has access to the latest information in regards to our water,  our roads, and our Park in general.  Enjoy

November 2022 Meeting Minutes

Water Conservation Now!

As Autumn descends with it's dry winds, please take a moment with your family to discuss ways to conserve water.  The Water Master of CPMWC is asking residents to consciously reduce water usage by 30% until further notice.  This past month alone (September) the water plant treated 811,419 gallons of water AND purchased 293,194 gallons of water from San Jose Water.  That equates to 237 gallons per DAY per HOME.  

To help the younger members of our community understand what water conservation is and why it's important, here are a couple of links you may enjoy.  

What do you know about H2O? Activity book for kids

Tips on conservation for California



Chemeketa Park Residents

Immediate Water Usage Reduction

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Our Water Master, Cypress Water Services, is requesting that Chemeketa Park residents reduce their water usage now. With the recent power outage, which required a water treatment system reset, and the reduced flow of Moody Gulch, we are having difficulty maintaining proper water storage levels in our water storage tanks.

As the summer progresses and the daily heat increases, particularly in the next week, it is necessary and incumbent on us all to conserve as much water as we can. The hotter it gets, the less water flows in Moody Gulch(MG). The reduced MG water flow may require using San Jose Water’s Montevina Pipeline at an additional cost to the community.

The current water reduction rate is 20%.

The Board of Directors appreciates your efforts to conserve water during these challenging conditions.

Please go to for resources on how to save water.  Scroll down to the second page in the "News" section.

Thank you,

Cypress Water Services and the CPMWC BoD

Chemeketa Firewise Fire Season Focus

The attached document covers the steps you can take to prepare your home, and community, for the wildfire season through the rest of this year.  We post each month's focus, but wanted to let you know the whole season as well.

Thank you for doing your part in keeping us all safe.

Chemeketa Firewise Fire Season Focus

FireSafe Marin Video "Debunking Myths" about Defensible Space

Watch this short video from FireSafe Marin with the Batallion Chief of Central Marin Fire.  The video separates fact from fiction and offers great information about what defensible space should/can be - it's NOT removing everything from your yard, you will be happy to know. :).