Yesterday was a rough day, but team Firewise is thankful and proud of how well our community worked together. WE did an excellent job of checking in on neighbors, keeping roads clear, and getting out early. Everybody worked together!

After Saturday’s evacuation, Chemeketa Firewise would like you to focus on 3 things.

  1. Evaluate your evacuation, what went well? Where do you need to improve? What did you forget? Make a list of essentials that you need to bring for an evacuation. If you have an off-mountain place to store important items, utilize that.

  1. Focus on the first 5-10 feet surrounding your house. Make sure there is nothing flammable within 5 feet of your foundation. No plants, cushions, garbage cans, branches, brush. Trim brush and clean leaves around your house, off of your roof, and under the deck. Keep the first 5 feet around your home ignition free. Once the first 5 feet are cleared, move on to 10 feet surrounding your home.

  1. Clear brush and weeds Look at streets surrounding your property, ask yourself, are they safe? Many of us had to evacuate through high brush and weeds. Some of our more narrow roads could be pinched off due to burning brush on both sides. Trim brush and lower branches, shorter fuels create shorter flames.

We understand that everyone is exhausted and demoralized because of recent fires. But yesterday showed how amazing our community is, and how lucky we are to live here. It was absolute teamwork. So today is the day we rise up and do what needs to be done to protect our community.

With Pride,

Your Chemeketa Firewise Team

Additional resources and information can be found here:

First 5 feet flier

Chemeketa Park Evacuation plans

Video’s and tutorials for hardening your home: